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Students in grades K-12 are invited to register to join the cast and crew of Missoula Children’s Theatre’s TREASURE ISLAND. This original musical production is part of the Missoula Children’s Theatre’s unique international touring project and is presented locally by Off Square Theatre Company. 

Students will be chosen via a lottery, separated into groups by grade, to join the cast/crew of TREASURE ISLAND. All students selected from the lottery will be guaranteed to participate in the production. If selected, you will be required to confirm your participation within 72 hours or an alternate will be selected. 


  • The TREASURE ISLAND lottery will be open for entry on Friday, February 7 at 12pm.
  • The lottery will close on Sunday, March 2 at 11:55pm.
  • The selection process will conclude and registrants will be notified via email on Friday, March 7.
  • Families selected from the lottery must confirm their participation by Monday, March 10 (72 hours after notification). OST will perform another random selection to fill any declined spots.
  • FOR FAMILIES WITH SIBLINGS: Note that all students will be entered into the lottery individually.


  • SCHEDULE: See below for details of the week’s schedule. All students are required to be available for all rehearsals and performances. MCT will provide a more specific schedule on the first day of rehearsal (April 7).
  • FIRST DAY OF REHEARSAL (April 7): On their first day in the Center Theater, students will audition for a part. All students registered for Treasure Island will be guaranteed either a role in the production or a role as Student Director. Auditions will conclude at 6:00pm. Following auditions, students will have a 15 minute break followed by the first rehearsal, which will last until 8:15pm. (Not all students will be called for this evening rehearsal, so parents should be prepared to pick students up at 6:00 if necessary.)
  • SUBSEQUENT REHEARSALS will be held Tuesday April 8-Friday April 11 from 4pm-8:15pm, with a 15-minute break at 6pm. All rehearsals are held at the Center for the Arts.
  • PERFORMANCES will be at 2pm and 4:30pm on Saturday April 12.
  • COST: Participation in Missoula Children’s Theatre is completely free.