AuditionsEducation OLIVER! Audition Announcement Students in grades 3-12 are invited to audition for Off Square Theatre's 2024 Youth Musical:…Off Square Theatre CompanySeptember 10, 2023
AuditionsEducation AUDITION DATES: 2024 Thieme Youth Musical (Grades 3-12) MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Off Square Theatre is excited to announce that auditions for our 2024…Off Square Theatre CompanyAugust 7, 2023
AuditionsEducation AUDICIONES: Little Red Riding Hood (K-12) Estudiantes en grados K-12 están invitado a dar una audición para Little Red Riding Hood…Off Square Theatre CompanyMarch 21, 2023
AuditionsEducation AUDITIONS: Little Red Riding Hood (K-12) AVISO EN ESPAÑOL Students in grades K-12 are invited to audition for Missoula Children's Theatre's…Off Square Theatre CompanyMarch 2, 2023
Auditions Audition Email List JOIN HERE Join the Auditions Email list to stay in the loop for all of…Off Square Theatre CompanyJanuary 12, 2023
Auditions AUDITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Richard III Off Square Theatre Company is pleased to announce auditions for Thin Air Shakespeare's Richard III,…Off Square Theatre CompanyJanuary 12, 2023