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Off Square Theatre Company is pleased to announce auditions for Three Sisters (directed by Allison Watrous) and Twelfth Night (directed by Edgar Landa).

THREE SISTERS by Anton Chekhov


On the brink of a new era three sisters, living in a small boring town, dream of a better life in the big city where they were born. Over the next three years, the sisters fall in love, work, banter about the meaning of life, and struggle to keep their dreams alive.


  • Olga – Oldest Sister. Schoolteacher, unmarried, looks after the family, hardworking, responsible, loving.
    Gender: Female
    Age: 35-40s
  • Masha – Middle Sister. Unhappily married to Kulygin. Masha can be temperamental. She sometimes speaks
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25-30
  • Irina – Youngest Sister. Unmarried. Irina is very hopeful about life and idealizes work. She wants to return to
    the Moscow of the sisters’ childhood.
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18-20s
  • Andrey Sergeyevich Prozorov / head of the household
    Gender: Male
    Age: 40-50
  • Natalia Ivanovna (Natasha) / Andrey’s wife
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20s-30s
  • Fyodor Ilyich Kulygin / high school teacher, Masha’s husband
    Gender: Male
    Age: 40s
  • Aleksandr Ignatiyevich Vershinin / colonel, battery commander
    Gender: Male
    Age: 35-40s
  • Baron Nikolai Lvovich Tuzenbach / first lieutenant
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20s
  • Vassily Vassilyevich Solyony / a captain
    Gender: Male
    Age: 30s
  • Ivan Romanovich Chebutykin / army doctor
    Gender: Male
    Age: 50s
  • Aleksey Petrovich Fedotik / second lieutenant
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20s
  • Vladimir Karlovich Rode / second lieutenant
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20s
  • Anfisa
    Gender: Female
    Age: 60-80
  • Ferapont / janitor
    Gender: Male
    Age: 80s

TWELFTH NIGHT by William Shakespeare


Twelfth Night is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare, set in the fictional land of Illyria. The play centers on Viola, who is shipwrecked and separated from her twin brother, Sebastian. Disguised as a man named Cesario, she enters the service of Duke Orsino, who is in love with the Countess Olivia. However, Olivia falls in love with Cesario, unaware that it’s actually Viola. Meanwhile, Viola’s brother Sebastian, who has also survived the shipwreck, arrives in Illyria, leading to a series of mistaken identities and romantic entanglements. The play ends with multiple marriages and the reunion of the twins.


  • Viola – female, 20s / shipwrecked lady, later disguised as Cesario
  • Orsino – male, 20-30s / Duke of Illyria
  • Sebastian – male, 20-30s / Viola’s twin brother, also shipwrecked
  • Antonio – male, 30-50s / a sea-captain, befriends Sebastian
  • Valentine – male, 20-50s / a gentleman attending Orsino
  • Olivia – female, 20s / a countess
  • (precast) Maria – female, 30-50 / Olivia’s waiting-gentlewoman
  • (precast) Sir Toby Belch – male, 40-60 / Olivia’s kinsman
  • (precast) Sir Andrew Aguecheek – male, 20s / companion to Sir Toby
  • Malvolio – all genders, 20-40 / Olivia’s steward
  • (precast) Feste – all genders, 20-40 / clown, Olivia’s jester
  • Fabian – all genders, 20-40 / a member of Olivia’s household
  • 2 Ensemble members to play multiple roles – all genders, 20-60 / to play officers, gentlemen, priest, musicians, sailors, attendants


  • HOW TO AUDITION: Email with the following information: (1) name & phone number, (2) headshot & resume if available, and (3) any scheduling preferences. 
  • AUDITION PERIOD: Wednesday, March 12 (2-6 pm) and Thursday, March 13 (9 am – 1 pm)
  • WHERE: Black Box Theater at the Center for the Arts (265 S Glenwood St, Jackson WY 83001). 
  • WHAT TO PREPARE THREE SISTERS: 1-2 minute contemporary monologue. It does not have to be age or gender specific – choose something you feel connected to.
  • WHAT TO PREPARE TWELFTH NIGHT: 1-2 minute monologue from Shakespeare’s work. It does not have to be age or gender specific – choose something you feel connected to. If you sing or play an instrument, feel free to bring a song to share as well.
  • In person auditions only. We are not currently accepting Video Submissions.


  • All rehearsals and performances will take place at the Center for the Arts in Jackson, WY (265 S Glenwood St, Jackson WY 83001)
  • We are committed to diverse, inclusive casting. Please submit without regard to disability, race, age, color, national origin, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity or any other basis prohibited by law unless otherwise specifically indicated.

Three Sisters:

  • First Rehearsal — May 19, 2025
  • Performances — May 31 – June 1 in the Black Box Theater

Twelfth Night:

  • First Rehearsal — June 16, 2025
  • Performances — July 10-13 and July 17-20 in the Center Ampitheater